Answers in Genesis - One of the best apologetics resources you can find for defending our faith and the Christian World View based on the truths set forth in the Book of Genesis.

Bible Gateway - A searchable online Bible in over 100 versions and 50 languages.

Blue Letter Bible - One of the most comprehensive Bible Study resources you will find on the web, and its all free! Free access to Bibles, commentaries, maps, Bible dictionaries and study aids of all types. 

Calvary Chapel Association - Learn more about Calvary Chapel Association and other resources they provide.

Daily Light Devotional - A day-by-day, morning and evening dose of pure scripture to provoke meditation and communion with the Lord.

Got Questions? - A site devoted to answering over 300,000 commonly asked questions about the Bible and Biblical doctrine. 

Olive Tree Ministries - An eschatology resource with that helps people understand the times according to the Bible, contend for the faith in Jesus Christ, and help the Church stand against deception as watchmen on the wall in these last days! - A comprehensive listing of radio and internet ministries of Calvary Pastors and other well known Pastors and Bible Teachers. 

Watchmen Fellowship - An apologetics resource with information on how to respond to the claims of different worldviews and religions.